Thursday, May 26, 2011

OMG Ppl!!!

OK, so, I realize stateside this might only work for a 7 year old girl.  In Asia, I'm sure these things are driving around like little armies of pink ants.  But still, you have GOT to recognize how stinkin' cute this is:   A Hello Kitty Smart Car.  This is brilliant, for two reasons:

1.  Hello Kitty rocks
2.  It's the only way to make a Smart Car look good.  It might not be sexy, but at least it's cute.  And little.  And depending on how cutesy you're willing to go, there are actually some pretty decent car graphics that make a Smartcar a little more palatable (and forgivable).
For those who ask "why?" I would have to respond with the question:  "why did we all put Lisa Frank stickers on our Trapper Keepers?"  Same basic principle.  Females like to personalize.  Why should it be any different with our cars?  I'm personally not going to do it.  But I still appreciate the appeal and officially endorse the use of Hello Kitty on the roads.  She's just so friendly.  I can't imagine she won't produce a marked decrease in road rage cases just based on her sheer likability.

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